Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween is so much fun with these two little girls! We spent the morning making Grandma Verda's famous Spudnuts. They turned out delicious! We took them to Trevor's office for the Halloween food throw down. We won! Yea! The girls came in second for the costume contest too. They got to trick-or-treat around the office and got tons of candy! Laney fell asleep with three half eaten suckers in her hands on the way home!

The Thatcher's came over in the afternoon to eat a spudnut, bring the girls more candy and see their costumes.

My parents brought dinner up and stayed to help us pass out candy. Both girls loved trick-or-treating this year. Laney went up and down our street then got pretty worn out. She was more interested in eating as much candy as she could - which is a significant amount! Molly wanted to go out for more so Gram and Pops took her on a few more streets. The girls have enough candy to last until next year!

We sat out on our porch to pass out our candy again this year. I'm so glad it was good weather. We had 330 trick-or-treaters come to our house!!! Thats about 50 more than last year. We love our neighborhood. I'm just glad we had enough candy for everyone!

When the girls were done getting their own candy, they helped pass ours out. Molly loved helping all the "customers" that came to our house! 


kmo said...

Those are 2 cute little girls. Spudnuts sound so yummy!

dockters said...

So much fun, Kels!! Your girls are so grown up and are the cutest witches I've ever seen! I wish we could have made spudnuts together! xo