Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Miss Molly turned TWO on Sunday. Holy cow!! How did she get so big?

We celebrated her birthday with our families on Mother's Day and celebrated again with just us on the actual day. It was perfect that her birthday fell on a Sunday because she got to go to nursery and play with all her little buddies, her favorite thing!

At two years old Molly is:
Hilarious. She has so much personality and constantly makes us laugh.
Emotional. It seems like she is either laughing or crying, there is no middle for her!
Big! Most people who don't know her think that she is three instead of two - partly because she is such a good talker. At her last appointment she was 90% for height and 80% for weight. 
LOUD. She is always talking or singing - at the top of her lungs.
Smart. She learns new things every day and always surprises us with what she picks up on. 
Full of energy. She could run around all day. She loves to dance (not sure where she got that from!) and loves to be outside. She especially loves the water and constantly begs me to put her swimsuit on.
A great bis sis. She adores Laney and loves to hold her and talk to her. She is great at getting Laney to smile. I'm excited for Laney to get a bit bigger so they can actually play!
Hungry! She has a huge appetite and will eat pretty much anything except peas and potatoes. She especially loves cookies, cheese, and any fruit.
Brave. She really has no fear. This is both good and bad!
A great helper. She loves to help me clean, cook, do laundry, grocery shop, and work in the yard! It's nice having her around!

I could go on and on about how much we love our Molly pie. She is such a joy.
Happy birthday, Molly!


brooke said...

The pictures with the goggles crack me up!

I'm Ally said...

Oh, how I love Molly Wobbles!
She's looking so big these days!
I've always had a weakness for children in goggles.
Don't let her pop that pool before I get home. I'll hang in it with her every day.

kmo said...

Molly is hilarious in her goggles. I can't believe she is two. She is so cute. You are so crafty, I love what you made for laneys room.

dockters said...

Such darling pictures of Miss Molly Pie!! She looks grown up to me! Makes me sad that we couldn't be there to party!!

Love the goggles, too!!