Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kangaroo Zoo

A few days ago we went to Kangaroo Zoo with some friends. It's this little place right by our house with bounce houses, blow up slides, obstacle courses and stuff. Molly was in HEAVEN! It was hard to keep up with her because she was so busy running around the whole time. She was big enough to climb on and do everything by herself so she thought she was pretty cool - this girl has no fear! 

My goal was to get Molly so worn out that she fell asleep on the way home - its about a 45 second drive. 



sanda said...

I love those chubby baby smiles, you are such a great mom and looks like you have a great neighborhood.!

joyce said...

Molly looks so old! Oh...I love these sweet little gals! xo

anna said...

Kelsey--your girls are SO darling!!! I swear they grin in EVERY picture! I can't wait to see them again! And congratulations on getting a house--wow! It looks great. You guys are acting like grown-ups :)