Friday, March 15, 2013

Best Buds!

Molly and Laney are best buds. They play so cute together and just giggle all the time. When we ride in the car they always hold hands or pass toys back and forth. Molly always looks out for Laney when other kids are around and makes sure they know she is her baby sister. Laney just tries to keep up with Molly and likes to do everything she does! They can be busy little girls but they are so happy and fun. I'm so glad they have each other!

Oh, I love these babies!


dockters said...

So sweet. It's the best when siblings can play and entertain each other! These 2 are darling! Miss you and them!

joyce said...

LOVE "EM!!! xo

Callie said...

So cute! I'm a little jealous. Mine play together sometimes but most of the time I feel like Berkley is bullying Peyton and making her cry.