Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Projects

Remember how I said we were going to take a break from projects for a while? 
I lied.
We've been just as busy as ever with different things going on! After doing our floors and kitchen, our banister stood out as the only oak colored wood so we needed to make it match! 
This turned into a WAY bigger project than I anticipated. First I stained it but didn't like it, then I tried painting it brown but didn't like that either. We finally settled on black and white and love it! Between all the painting, Molly accidentally kicked the can of paint all over the stairs, leading to us needing new carpet. I'd been wanting new carpet anyways so it actually kind of worked out!! Our house smells so good now and feels so clean! I'm pretty sure that Trev still thinks that I spilled the paint on purpose...

Trevor's Great Grandpa built this dresser. It has been passed all around the family and painted dozens of times. It's probably about 70 years old and still in great shape. We're excited to have it in our house now!

 ...And last but not least, here are a few quilts that i've done lately! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE fabric?!?


The Dowdy Family said...

Your house looks amazing! I can't believe how great the banister looks! Next, you need to quit being so lazy! I love your quilts!!

Kristy said...

Im totally hiring you to make me pillow covers! After the holidays. Love the banister. Love.

I'm Ally said...

It's like I don't even know who you are anymore. Will I ever be able to do any of that stuff??

dockters said...

Oh my heck!!! I love all of this! Your home is darling. I am SO excited to see it in person! You are so talented, Kels! And way to spill the paint, Molly...the new carpet looks awesome!

Jamey and Michelle said...

I love the black and white!! Oh and the new carpet looks so good. Your house is adorable. I didn't know you were a quilter.. I need lessons those quilts are so adorable.

kmo said...

You're so talented. Your banister looks so good. I can't believe how cute your quilts are and that you actually have time to do all of it.

anna said...

Your house looks great and so do you and your adorable girls! I can't believe Laney is already crawling around...seems like she just got here! I'm excited to see you next month!

Shane and Kenzie said...

I am friends with Amanda and came across your blog when I read the title "more projects" as my husband and I are in the midst of a few painting projects of our own. I am COMPLETELY AMAZED at your talent! Everything you have done looks so great, and you have done it all so quickly AND with two children! You go girl...I am impressed. I can hardly even manage painting one dresser for our coming baby...let alone even comprehend sewing something.
PS, I love the wood and carpet you chose...they look very classy.

Callie said...

Everything is perfect! Love the black and white banister! We have a really similar oak one but I think we'll need to replace it because it's all dinged up. (Dog bites and scratches perhaps?)