Thursday, June 14, 2012


Molly, Laney and I went to Lagoon yesterday with some of the Thatchers and their neighbors. It was so much fun. We ended up staying way longer than we had planned because Molly was having such a good time. That girl has no fear. She literally ran from ride to ride and couldn't wait to get on. She went on every ride that she was tall enough for and giggled and screamed "yeehaw" the entire time! I went on a few other rides and realized that i'm totally a "'fraidy-cat mom!" Laney was a little angel the whole day, as usual! It was a great day and I think we will definitely need to invest in some season passes in the future. 


brooke said...

How fun! I can just see Molly squealing on the rides.

Mary said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe it's been 2 years! So fun. Aren't those giggles and squeals the best!

dockters said...

I would go to Lagoon to see Molly on those rides....that's the only way you could get me there!! :)

And little Laney...ahhh! She's a doll. I'm pretty sure she weighs more than Jake.

joyce said...

Looks like you had a great day! I honestly can't remember the last time I went to Ga-loon! you get "it"....Fraidy-cat mom! FUNNY!!! xo