Friday, January 20, 2012

Michelin Man

Molly is looking so tall and skinny lately. Where did my chubby baby with the Michelin Man arms go?! This next little girl better be just as cute and chunky!


joyce said...

Molly does look so tall and thin now! These pictures make me chuckle! Her "muscles" were just so kissable!!! What is little sister #2 going to look like?...I can't wait!!! xoxo

kmo said...

We just couldn't stop lauging last night at how cute and chunky Molly was. I'm sure baby #2 will be just as cute.

dockters said...

I have never seen arms that muscly before!! I love them! You forget so fast how much they change! Baby girl #2 is bound to be a doll! I am hoping she gets Trev's curly hair...