Monday, April 9, 2012


We had a great Easter weekend at our house! 

On Saturday we just happened to go to the grocery store at the exact moment they were starting an easter egg hunt! We hurried and grabbed a bag for Molly and she went to town. At first she didn't understand that she could take more than one candy, but she caught on pretty quick!

Then, on Sunday morning, the Easter Bunny paid us a visit! Molly has been in heaven with her new toys and especially all the candy she got! That lucky duck!

We went to church, with the girls in their new Easter dresses of course! I always love church on Easter; the lessons and songs are some of my favorites all year and I love to see all the kids in their fancy new clothes!

After church we headed to my parents house for a delicious dinner. Molly got to go on not one but two more Easter egg hunts, Laney got passed all around and snuggled by everyone and Trevor got to watch the Masters. Overall, a great day!


Emily Scott said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love Molly's dress. Your girlies are so stinkin cute!

dockters said...

Happy Easter!! Your little girls look so cute in their Easter dresses. And little Laney's eyes look BLUE to me in the close up picture. She's also getting muscles...just like Molly had! Love you guys!