Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Molly and I have been trying to enjoy being outside before it gets too cold! Molly loves being outside and cries anytime it's time to go back inside. We've been playing with sidewalk chalk and bubbles, going to the park, the zoo, swimming and going on walks and picnics. I know Molly is going to hate being cooped up inside all winter, any ideas on great indoor activities?!


emmalily said...

Move to Santa Monica, haha! That will solve all your winter problems.
She's growing up! What a cutie :)

dockters said...

Let's all move to Santa Monica! That sounds heavenly!

Molly's hair is SO blonde and she has SO much of it now!! Can't wait to see her!

My boys spend lots of time playing in the bath tub during the winter. We also make tons of messes and bake lots of cookies! :)

joyce said...

I want to come with you to the park next time....call me!!! xo

Allisa said...

Congratulations on baby number two, that is exciting. I love the picture of Molly going up the slide with the wood chips on her pants.

Mary said...

I say pudding paint and other 'art projects'. Good luck with that. Can't argue with Molly, it's gorgeous weather how could you NOT want to be outside in it! Good luck.