Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Go BIG or Go Home

Trevor and I ran in the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon last weekend. I'd never run more than a 10K before (when I was 6 years old) but Trevor was signing up so I had him sign me up too. I accidentally forgot to train so I was fully expecting to hate it, but it was actually kind of fun! My goal was only to finish in under three hours (not very ambitious - I know) but we ended up finishing in 2 hours 29 minutes! I definitely would have been slower if Trevor hadn't been there to push (and pull) me along! I may have gotten a little mad at him at times but I have to admit it felt pretty good after - just not the next day when I couldn't walk!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Miss Laney bug started crawling a few weeks ago! It was pretty slow going at first but now she's getting around great. She just giggles and talks and loves being able to get where she wants now. I guess it's time to think about baby-proofing, again!

Just for fun, here's a picture of Molly when she first started crawling. I guess my babies look more alike than I thought! One question: whose cheeks are bigger?!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Family Pictures

My Aunt Lana came up to our house a few weeks ago to take some family pictures for us. It was much needed since we have hardly any family pictures, especially since Laney was born. We LOVE how they turned out!! Thanks to my mom and Rachelle for making my girls (and us) laugh so hard and thanks so much Lana, they are perfect! Let's do it again soon!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day

We spent labor day weekend down in St. George. We hadn't been there for six months so it was so great to be down again! We swam a ton, went tandem biking, fed the ducks, went on walks, spent a day in Las Vegas visiting Josh, Kels and Macey, saw a movie (2016: Obama's America, go see it!), shopped a little and golfed a lot. It was a fun, busy weekend!