Molly turned six months old on Saturday! I can't believe it. She is the best baby and we love her so much. A little about Molly at six months:
*She is 25.5 inches long (50%)
*She weighs 18 pounds 4 ounces (90%)... we're looking into getting her a personal trainer!
*She has dozens of nicknames: Mollster, Molly Wobbles, Miss Molly, Teeny Tiny, Baby girl, Toots McGee, Molly pie...
*She has one little tooth peeking out and more on their way
*She can still only roll from her back to her tummy
*She is a sitting champ
*She is dangerously close to crawling, she can get onto her hands and knees and scoot a little
*Her hair is getting so long and luxurious and it's blond like her daddy's
*She loves toys, especially anything that makes noise
*She loves to stand up
*Everyone comments on her big smile and her chubby cheeks
*Her favorite food is sweet potatoes
*She is still not sleeping through the night
*She rubs her eyes when she's sleepy - it's the cutest thing i've ever seen!
*She is almost always happy and smiling
We feel so lucky to have such a sweet little girl!
Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl!